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Our certifications endorse our excellence and ensure an efficient reduction of the environmental impact

Quality Management. ISO 9001

One of the pivots on which our activity is based is to guarantee the quality of the service provided to our customers, meeting their expectations and all of their demands. This implies continuous improvement in our internal management in order to obtain competitive advantages and achieve a higher productivity. All of this is done by following the Quality Management model UNE-EN-ISO 9001.


Environmental Management. ISO 14001

At ZENER we promote environmental protection and pollution prevention from a balanced standpoint. We are firmly committed towards the society and our customers to comply with the existing environmental legislation and regulations. We strive to continuously improve our Environmental Management Systems performing actions which are respectful towards the environment, with the aim of achieving a sustainable business growth. All of this is done under the Environmental Management System UNE-EN ISO 14001.


Occupational Safety and Health Management. ISO 45001

Our “Zero Accident” target turns Occupational Risk Prevention into one of our essential pillars, which is why ZENER has become a benchmark in safety and health issues. At ZENER we believe that an employee is a “Safe Asset” and for this reason we implement, revise and maintain an Occupational Safety and Health Management System in line with the ISO 45001 standard.



We are committed to sustainability and continuous improvement. At ZENER we have the Energy Management System certificate in accordance with the UNE-ISO 50001:2018 Standard, which endorses our efforts to optimise energy use and promote responsible practices in all our operations. This certification reinforces our commitment to energy efficiency and encourages us to continue moving towards a more sustainable future.


Information Security Management. ISO 27001

In line with the implementation of this standard, all information is treated as confidential at ZENER, and it is only made available to authorised staff and modified by those who are expressly entitled to. Moreover, this information is only available at the time in which authorised users actually need to have access.


Certified activities: Installation and maintenance of communication devices and networks; maintenance of solar farms; installation of security equipment and provision of management and supervision services to group companies (human resources management, legal services, finances, expenses and income).

The establishments that have these 4 certifications by AENOR are: Zener Encitel S.L. (Pol. San Cristóbal. Calle Cobalto 8, 47012 Valladolid); Zener Comunicaciones S.A.U. (Pol. Roces. Calle Michael Farady, 26 nave 5, 33211-Gijón); Zenyx Integració de Xarxes S.L (Pol.San Cristóbal. Calle Cobalto 8, nave 3, 47012 Valladolid); Zener Norte S.L. (Pol. Roces. Calle Michael Farady, 26 nave 5, 33211-Gijón); Zener Altecable S.L (Pol.San Cristóbal. Calle Aluminio 35, 47012 Valladolid); Zener Redes S.L. (Pol.San Cristóbal. Calle Cobalto 8, nave 10, 47012 Valladolid); Zener Plus S.L (Avda. Ronda de Valdecarrizo 47, 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid); Obratel Construcciones y Servicios S.L (Pol.San Cristóbal. Calle Cobalto 8, nave 3, 47012 Valladolid); Zener Alfa S.L (Avda. Ronda de Valdecarrizo 47, 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid); Zener Alarmas S.L (Avda. Ronda de Valdecarrizo 47, 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid) and ZEI Instalaciones y Proyectos S.L (Pol. Urazandi, nave 3, 48950- Erandio (Vizcaya).

Certification of compliance with the National Security Scheme

In accordance with the requirements of Royal Decree 3/2010, of 8 January, which regulates the National Security Scheme in the field of electronic administration, Zener Encitel SL has been certified by LGAI TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER, S.A. (Applus+) with Medium category in the Information System applied to support services in installation and maintenance of Telecommunications and Renewable Energy.

The certification refers to the following centres:

⦁ Headquarters. Cl Cobalto, 8, Nave 3, PI San Cristobal - Valladolid

⦁ Valladolid. Cl Aluminio, 35, Nave 4, PI San Cristobal - Valladolid

⦁ Tres Cantos. Ro de Valdecarrizo, 47, Naves B-11 a B-14 - Tres Cantos (Madrid)

⦁ Asturias. Cl B, Parcela 39, PI Asipo - Coruño (Asturias)

⦁ Erandio. PI Urazandi, Nave 3 - Erandio (Vizcaya)

⦁ Sevilla. CL Fridex Cinco, 26 - Alcalá de Guadaíra (Sevilla)

⦁ Paterna. CL 2B, PQ Empresarial la Táctica, 9 - Paterna (Valencia)

⦁ León. Cno. Raya, 5 1, 24009, Oteruelo de la Valdoncina, León

Penal Compliance

As a proof of commitment and strict compliance of legality, ZENER has developed, together with the law firm CHR Legal the “Penal Compliance” code, which is applied in some of the hiring processes in order to ensure our customers our compliance with all legal aspects (laundering, corruption, occupational risks, etc.).

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